SOC End of Semester Happenings

Alum Speaks to SOC Students

SOC alumna Jobina Fortson ('14) visits professor Indira Somani's Writing for the Media Class.  See the link below to her bio at WMDT-47, ABC in Salisbury, MD, where she is a reporter. (Links to an external site.)

School of C Brown Bag Talk
Professor Carolyn Byerly, chair of the Department of Communication, Culture and Media Studies and Professor Clint Wilson were the faculty speakers at the School of C first Brown Bag talk in November.

SiriusXM Visit

SOC faculty Judi Moore Latta, Vicci Saunders and Jay Holloway led a group of students on a visit to the Joe Madison Show at SiriusXM.

Mid-Term Elections Night on the Beat

School of C faculty in the Media, Journalism and Film department watched students merge classroom knowledge and skills in the field during Mid-Term Election Project 2014. Students were located across the metropolitan area covering the D.C. mayoral race, Maryland gubernatorial, Virginia and other elections issues. 

Behind the Scene
Professor Jennifer Thomas shared video and audio links of Behind the Scenes of Howard University News Service. The links also connect to Howard's YouTube and SoundCloud pages.

Behind the Scenes of HU News Service Midterm Elections - YouTube
Howard University students have been working relentlessly to get out media coverage for the 2014 Midterm Elections. Destinee Harrison gets a look at the behi...

Behind The Scenes of HU News Service by - Hear the world’s sounds
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